A couple of you have asked about Laura's post on trying my new filing system..
I started out couponing years ago with a small accordion style filer and it didn't work for me. I slowly graduated to the binder system and It worked however it took forever for me to cut the coupons and file them in categories. I couldn't remember which category I put what in Frozen, Veggies??? After that I just started keeping different store deals in envelopes and keeping them with me while I shopped however that didn't work either due to the fact that several stores may have the same item on sale and I reached craziness with all the envelopes everywhere and trying to find the coupons. Recently I decided to go back to my binder system except this time I put my binder in Alphabetical order which is way easier. I don't find myself flipping back and forth trying to find which category ( Airwick, Kellogg's) I put what in. I have a 5" Binder that I carry in a bag with me everywhere. This so far has been the best system for me. I separate around 20 copies of each insert each week and staple them, then cut; as I cut them I lay them out in alpha order so that once I'm done I just throw the A's in.. B's in.. and so in into the baseball card holders. Each and every person is different. Also I wait until a holiday when there are no inserts and use that weekend to go through and toss out the expired ones into a box and share with Tami who sends them to Military Families. Please feel free to share your ideas on Organizing Coupons.
When I was in OfficeMax the other day, I saw a zipper binder(2" or 3" I believe) that comes with an accordian file that attaches to the outside, along with a handle & a shoulder strap for $23. I am watching the ads for it & hoping I may be able to use my Maxperks to get it soon. My plan is to use the accordian file for the weekly ads or multiple inserts.
ReplyDeleteI also got a great tip from a cashier at Martins this week....She was looking at my binder & said she uses the baseball card pages (9 to a page) & she cut file folders to insert in each pocket so she can put coupons on both sides of the pocket. I am gonna definetly do that when I re-organize!
Thanks for all the great tips & Happy Couponing!!!!
Chance I had found this zippered binder at Target it has two binders one on each side that zip shut and pockets on each side. So what I did is put food on one side and hardlines on the other so when I am going down the food part I have that side up and so on for the other things. I will post a pic as soon as I can figure it out. I am new to couponing but I am one of them organized people so this works well for me. I tired a binder and I did my first wallgreens shop needless to say it wasn't a great trip and I had things falling all over trying to figure it out.