Wednesday, May 11

My Binder System, What works for you?

A couple of you have asked about Laura's post on trying my new filing system.. 
I started out couponing years ago with a small accordion style filer and it didn't work for me.  I slowly graduated to the binder system and It worked however it took forever for me to cut the coupons and file them in categories. I couldn't remember which category I put what in Frozen, Veggies??? After that I just started keeping different store deals in envelopes and keeping them with me while I shopped however that didn't work either due to the fact that several stores may have the same item on sale and I reached craziness with all the envelopes everywhere and  trying to find the coupons. Recently I decided to go back to my binder system except this time I put my binder in Alphabetical order which is way easier. I don't find myself flipping back and forth trying to find which category ( Airwick, Kellogg's)  I put what in. I have a 5" Binder that I carry in a bag with me everywhere. This so far has been the best system for me. I separate around 20 copies of each insert each week and staple them, then cut; as I cut them I lay them out in alpha order so that once I'm done I just throw the A's in.. B's in.. and so in into the baseball card holders. Each and every person is different. Also I wait until a holiday when there are no inserts and use that weekend to go through and toss out the expired ones into a box and share with Tami who sends them to Military Families. Please feel free to share your ideas on Organizing Coupons.

Tuesday, May 10

Did you find Tylenol Precise??

I have to say you can definitely tell there are some heavy couponers out there..let me tell you why..
I have been couponing since 2002. I am an avid couponer and I take it very seriously. I shop each and every day and I do NOT EVER purchase anything without a coupon. My family now survives off my couponing my husband and I closed our business (that we've had since 2001) on Christmas Eve due to the economy and needless to say we are making it the grace of god and coupons. Any who..Before Nathan began We Use Coupons and showed everyone on earth how to do Extreme Couponing it was sooooo much easier. Now it seems everywhere I go everything is GONE.. I was so excited to see the Tylenol $5 coupon that was released this past Sunday because I knew it was gonna be free just about everywhere...and it was. I trucked around town from 8:00 this morning til 1:00 and couldn't find a single one at any Walgreen's or any Rite Aid..however here it is at 8:05 on a Tuesday Night and I walked in Walmart showed them my Walgreen's ad and WALA PRICE MATCH!! I was able to score 4. 
So, today I learned a few things 
A. Chester has some Great Dedicated Couponers and 
B. When in doubt PRICE MATCH!! LOL 

Has anyone had any luck price matching the Clean and Clear Body Wash @ Walmart with the BOGO Coupons, yet?? I'm curious if it would work??

Monday, May 9

Kmart Matchups 5/8-5/14

Kmart Deals provided by Just Trying to Save Money. Here a just a few visit Brianne's site for the full list!

Softsoap or Irish Spring 15-18-oz Body Wash $3 each
-$0.50 off Irish Spring Body Wash or Bar Pack, exp. 5-21 (SS 05/01/11)

=$2.50 each after coupon

Kotex 28-48ct Pads, 80-135ct Liners or 36-ct. Tampons, Poise 12-30ct Pads or 44-48ct Liners $5 each

Angel Soft 18 Double Rolls Bath Tissue $7.99 each
-$0.50/1 Angel Soft Toilet Paper printable
=$7.49 each after coupon

Dog Chow 17.6-20lb Bag $9.99 each
-$1.50/1 Purina Dog Chow or Puppy Chow, exp. 5-28-11 (SS 05/01/11 #2)
=$8.49 each after coupon

Coke 12pk Cans $4.33 each

Gatorade 8 pk $5 each

Purex 50oz Liquid Detergent B1G1 FREE
-$1/1 Purex Laundry Detergent, exp. 6-12-11 (RP 05/01/11)
=prices will vary

Martin Deals 5/8-5/14

Martins Ad Deals provided by Young and Frugal in Virginia. Here are just a few 
View Martin’s Coupon Policy

Newman’s Own Pasta Sauce $1.89
-$1 off Newman’s Own Product Facebook Coupon
-$0.50 off from 3/20 RP *Doubles to $1
Final Price: $0.89!

Franks Red Hot Sauce 12oz $1.79
-$0.50/1 from 3/13 SS *Doubles to $1 *Exp 5/15
Final Price: $0.79

Coffee-Mate Flavored Creamer 16oz 3/$5
-$0.55/1 Printable *Must register *Doubles to $1
Final Price: $0.67!

Bounty Extra Soft Single Roll Paper Towels 10/$10
-$0.25/1 from 5/1 PG Insert *Doubles to $0.50
Final Price: $0.50!

Resolve In Wash Stain Remover 2/$4
-$1 off from 5/8 SS
Final Price: $1

Temptations Mix Ups Cat Treats 4/$5
-$1 off from 5/1 RP
Final Price: $0.25!

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